Pretty Bras for Pretty Curvy Girls!
Who doesn't love a pretty bra! But for longer than I care to remember, it was almost impossible to find bras in my size that made me excited. The bras in the smaller cup sizes were so beautiful with fun colors & lace detailing, but the ones in my size looked like something my grandmother might wear. Definitely not a confidence boost. Purchasing bras was something you put off. Walking into a store like Victoria's Secret was almost embarrassing when the sales clerk tells you they don't have your size in the store.
Enter Elomi .... crafting bras for curvy girls that not only provide wonderful shape & support ... but are BEAUTIFUL. Now that I am in the business of assisting people in finding bras that fit, nothing is so satisfying as seeing the faces of women when you put them in a bra that makes them feel pretty. The best part is that the bras are constructed to provide amazing support & shape so not only do you look pretty, but you stand up a little straighter - relieve pressure from your back - and look pounds thinner because the cups bring you up and forward rather than wide.
Let today be the day you change the way you feel about yourself Curvy Girls. You're worth it!
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